Organization of the Committee 1A
February 24, 2016:
1st Meeting 1A1
Witnesses from a symposium organized by Senator Joyal 1B
March 9, 2016:
2nd Meeting. Witness: Prof. David Smith,
Ryerson College.
Brief: Coming to terms 1B1
April 13, 2016:
5th Meeting. Witnesses: Professors Errol Mendes, University of Ottawa; Donald Desserud, University of Prince Edward Island; Stéphane Beaulac, Universsity of Montreal; Paul Thomas, University of Manitoba.
Briefs: Working together, Moving from a House of Political Parties to a House of Review?, and Electing the Speaker of the Senate: Some Preliminary Thoughts 1B2
From the questionnaire by Senators Massicotte and Greene 1B
March 23, 2016:
3rd Meeting. Witnesses: Hon. Senators Paul J. Massicotte and Stephen Greene.
Appendix G: Questions put to senators and their responses
in an effort to modernize the Canadian Senate 1C1
Witnesses from the UK 1D
April 12, 2016:
4th Meeting. Witness: Prof. Meg Russell,
University College London. 1D1
April 18, 2016:
6th Meeting. Witness: Rt. Hon. Lord Hope of Craighead, KT, Convenor of the Crossbench Peers, House of Lords of the United Kingdom. 1D2
April 5, 2017:
32nd Meeting. Witnesses: The Right Honourable The Lord Wakeham DL, House of Lords; Meg Russell, Director, Constitution Unit, Department of Political Science, University College London; and The Lord Norton of Louth, House of Lords. 1D3
May 17, 2017:
35th Meeting. Witnesses: Rt. Hon. Ken Macintosh M.S.P., Presiding Officer, The Scottish Parliament; and Sir Paul Grice, Clerk and Chief Executive, The Scottish Parliament.
Brief: Submission to the Senate Modernization Committee of the Parliament of Canada by the Rt Hon Ken Macintosh MSP, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament 1D4
Senate organization: Changes in te Order Paper 1E
May 4, 2016:
9th Meeting. Witnesses: Dr. Heather Lank and Charles Walker, Chamber Operations and Procedure Office. 1E1
Senate organization: Reflections on "Four questions" 1F
September 28, 2016:
17th Meeting. Witness: Hon. Senator Peter Harder, Government Representative in the Senate. 1F1
October 19, 2016:
19th Meeting. Witness: Hon. Senator Claude Carignan, P.C., Leader of the Opposition. 1F2
November 16, 2016:
21st Meeting. Witness: Hon. Senator Elaine McCoy, Facilitator, Independent Senators Group. 1F3
November 23, 2016:
22nd Meeting. Witnesses: David Docherty, President, Mount Royal University, and Bruce Hicks, Adjunct Professor, Glendon School of Public and International Affairs, York University. 1F4
November 30, 2016:
23rd Meeting. Witness: Hon. Senator Joseph A. Day, Leader of the Senate Liberals. 1F5
December 14, 2016:
25th Meeting. Witnesses: Professors Philippe Lagassé, School of International Affairs, Carleton University, and
Andrew Heard, Political Science Department, Simon Fraser University.
Brief: The Senate's Role in Reviewing Bills from the House of Commons 1F6
March 1, 2017:
29th Meeting. Witnesses: B. Thomas Hall
and Gary Levy, Research Fellow, Carleton University. 1F7
Senate organization: Report by Segal and Kirby 1G
October 26, 2016:
20th Meeting. Witness: Hon. Hugh Segal,
Master, Massey College, University of Toronto. 1G1
Senate organization: Speakership of the Senate (Bill S211) 1H
December 7, 2016
24th Meeting. Witness: Senator Terry Mercer, sponsor of the act (Bill S-213). 1H1
February 8, 2017
27th Meeting. Witness: Hon. Dan Hays, P.C., former Speaker of the Senate.
Brief: The need for a more open and comprehensive senate renewal process 1H2
February 15, 2017:
28th Meeting. Witnesses: Kate Glover, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario; and Benoît Pelletier, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Brief by Prof. Pelletier: On Bill S-213 1H3
March 8, 2017:
30th Meeting. A clause-by-clause consideration of Bill S213 by the entire MDRN committee. 1H4
Senate organization: Concern about Senate "overpowering" the Commons 1I
March 29, 2017:
31st Meeting. Witness: Gary W. O'Brien, Former Clerk of the Senate 1I1
April 5, 2017: The afore-mentioned meeting with Lord Wakeham. Meg Russell, and The Lord Norton of Louth. 1I2
May 3, 2017:
33rd Meeting. Witnesses: Prof. Adam Dodek, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa; and John Whyte, Senior Policy Fellow, Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy.
Briefs: Outline of testimony and The Senate's Role in Reviewing Bills from the House of Commons 1I3
May 10, 2017:
34th Meeting. Winesses: Prof. James B. Kelly, Political Science, Concordia University; and Robert de Luca, Staff Lawyer, Freedoms Program, Canadian Civil Liberties Asssociation. 1I4
Discussion of a draft report about the Westminster System 1J
December 6, 2017
February 14, 2018
February 28, 2018
March 21, 2018
* * *
Reports 2
The MDRN Committee's first report, Senate modernization: Moving forward, was published on October 4, 2016. A version with numbered paragraphs is available here. -2A
References to related reports: 2B
Second Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Omnibus Bills) as amended on February 15, 2017. 2B1
Third Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Committees) as amended on April 4, 2017. 2B2
Fourth Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Order Paper). 2B3
Fifth Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Caucus) as amended on May 11, 2017. 2B4
Sixth Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Speakership). 2B5
Seventh Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Regional interest) as amended on February 15, 2017. 2B6
Eighth Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Broadcasting). 2B7
Ninth Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Question Period). 2B8
Tenth Report: Senate Modernization: Moving Forward (Nature) as amended on March 28, 2017. 2B9
Eleventh Report: Bill S-213. 2C